City of Chattanooga

Head Start and Early Head Start

Head Start programs prepare America’s most vulnerable young children to succeed in school and in life beyond school. To achieve this, Head Start programs deliver services to children and families in core areas of early learning, health, and family well-being while engaging parents as partners every step of the way.

Chattanooga Head Start/Early Head Start serves 998 infants, toddlers, and preschoolers across Hamilton County. We offer our program through our City operated sites and partnerships with local high quality child care programs, and a partnership with Hamilton County Department of Education Voluntary Pre-K. You can find a list of these locations and partnerships here.

Our program is overseen by a Board of Directors and a Policy Council. Board members are appointed by the Mayor of Chattanooga, the Mayor of Hamilton County, and by the Chattanooga City Council. Policy Council members are comprised of parents/caregivers and community agency representatives.